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Galleri Image presents the talk “Conversations About Time and Technology” with the artists Rebecca Krasnik, Sophia Ioannou Gjerding and Mark Tholander, moderated by Magdalena Tyżlik-Carver, Assistant Professor at Aarhus University. The talk was held at Galleri Image March 6, 2021, in conjunction with the exhibition Time Times Three by Danish artist Rebecca Krasnik and can be experienced in its entirety on Galleri Image’s Vimeo page.

Conversations About Time and Technology from Galleri Image on Vimeo.

The talk based its discussions on ideas on technological developments, such as photography from around the turn of the 19th century. It initiated discussions on how technological developments continue to affect the production and interpretation of images today. The talk thereby examined the thoughts and ideas that lie behind the production and consumption of computer generated imagery; the temporal and spatial possibilities which occur within them, and the effect these possibilities have on the ways in which we experience time and space.

Find more information about the exhibition Time Times Three here.

The exhibition was supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, the City of Aarhus (Kulturudviklingspuljen), The A.P. Møller Foundation, The William Demant Foundation and the Augustinus Foundation.

Video credit: Kirse Juul Thomsen