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Galleri Image are taking part in the project; PARALLEL: European Photo Based Platform started in 2017.

PARALLEL is an initiative supported by the European Commission through the cultural programme Creative Europe.

PARALLEL is a project consisting of an international network of organisations and art institutions across Europe. It was first started by the Portuguese organisation

The platform is partly established in order to strengthen cooperation in the European art world as well as an opportunity to create contact between young, emerging artists and curators and help them develop. Therefore, the beginning of the project was marked by a number of artist and curator residencies which later on will result in different exhibitions.

The work between artists and curators are combined with a network of various institutions and is dedicated to bettering the relationship between art schools, museums, and festivals. This is based on the project’s goal of establishing an effective platform for the exhibition of the work of young artists and curators throughout Europe.

PARALLEL consists of 18 collaborators across Europe.
The projekt took place during the period 2017-2021.

In the last week of February 2020, PhotoIreland hosted the PARALLEL Curatorship, the middle point for the PARALLEL 3rd cycle creators. During this event, artists and curators presented their photography projects, exhibition proposals and close partnerships that result in several exhibitions to be presented all over Europe during the following months. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic most of PARALLEL’s exhibitions took place online. The exhibitions spaces that helped make these exhibitions a reality were Fondazione Modena Arti Visive (Italy), FotoFestiwal Lodz (Poland), Odesa Photo Days (Ukraine), Organ Vida International Photography Festival (Croatia), Tbilisi Photography & Multimedia Museum (Georgia), and UGM Maribor gallery (Slovenia).

The first PARALLEL meeting in 2019 took place at the Format Festival in Derby. On August 9th – September 8th 2019, Galleri Image exhibited Staged Salvations, curated by Lovro Japundžić, which consisted of works selected from three of the artists participating in PARALLEL’s 2nd cycle, André Viking (DK), Nils Stelte (DE), and Rocco Venezia (IT).
You can read more about the exhibition here.

PARALLEL’S 1st cycle ended with meetings and exhibition during the photofestival ORGAN VIDA in Zagreb in the beginning of September, 2018. The foundational plans for the year 2019 of exhibitions and meetings were also planned during ORGAN VIDA.
Read about Galleri Image’s visit to Zagreb here.
Read about the curatorship meeting in Derby here.
Read more about the first year of PARALLEL and the exhibitions in this article and see images from our trip to Zagreb in September here.


  1. Procurarte Lisboa, Portugal (Project Leader)
  2. Le Château d’Eau Toulouse, France
  3. The Finnish Museum of Photography Helsinki, Finland
  4. Fondazione Fotografia Modena Modena, Italy
  5. FotoFestiwal – Foundation of Visual Education Lodz, Poland
  6. Format International Photography Festival – Derby Quad Derby, UK
  7. Galleri Image Aarhus, Denmark
  8.  ISSP Riga, Latvia
  9. KATALOG – Journal of Photography & Video Kerteminde, Denmark
  10. Kaunas Photography Gallery Kaunas, Lithuania
  11. Landskrona Foto Landskrona, Sweden
  12. NGO Mystetski Mandry / Odesa Photo Days Odesa, Ukraine
  13. Organ Vida Zagreb, Croatia
  14. PhotoIreland Dublin, Ireland
  15. Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center Budapest, Hungary
  16. Tbilisi Photography & Multimedia Museum Tbilisi, Georgia
  17. UGM – Maribor Art Gallery Maribor, Slovenia
  18. YET Magazine Lausanne, Switzerland

Follow Galleri Image’s website for more updates or check out PARALLEL’s website here.